Wednesday, 19 September 2012

How To Improve Eyesight Naturally - Strain and Your Eyes

Strain is not a good thing when it comes to your eyes, many of you need to know how to improve eyesight naturally as you will have picked up bad habits over time that cause your eyes to strain and too much of this can cause bad eyesight and the need for glasses and contacts.

Strain can be caused from things such as
  • squinting
  • concentrating too long
  • reading in low lit conditions
  • sitting at a computer all day
and many more, the list can keep going on.

What Do You Do?

So the main question is what can you do to prevent this from happening and unfortunately you really can't but there are methods that you can go through that are very beneficial to reducing the strain and therefore helping you see more clearer.

The method I am talking about is called relaxation and is a great way to improve eyesight naturally.

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